8 August 2012 Shopping list 買い物リスト

Wall tool holders

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アステージ(Astage) 家庭用簡易流し台 PS-680 価格 6,800円 (税込) 送料込

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20 July 2012 The Maritime Museum of British Columbia

The Maritime Museum of British Columbia (Canada)’s
Tsunami Debris Project

View Larger Map

The Maritime Museum of BC has developed an online project that aims to collect photos of flotsam that has washed ashore. We invite you to upload your photos of tsunami debris you may encounter.

The devastating tsunami in Japan on March 11, 2011 swept untold tons of debris into the Pacific ocean. Most has sunk, but many of the buoyant bits are still floating, in the middle of the Pacific, caught in the ocean’s currents. Those currents are slowly sweeping debris from the tsunami towards the shores of the United States and Canada. Already, we are seeing some debris with Japanese origins wash up on the shores of Vancouver Island, although the majority of the debris is not calculated to hit our coast until 2013-2014.

Planning ahead, the MMBC has developed a project that aims to collect photos of flotsam that has washed ashore. This Facebook site will allow users to upload photos of bits that are found along the beaches. Moderators at the museum will attempt to determine the origin of debris, assess any potential value and share the photos and add comments. Japanese visitors to the site could scan the site for lost or recognizable items. In some cases where an object has been collected from the beach it may be able to be returned to its owner through the Japanese Consulate. Please see http://mmbc.bc.ca/tsunami-debris/ for more information.

20 July 2012 the Hague – Department of Archaeology


Department of Archaeology
History of The Hague
Published: 25 November 2011 Modified: 25 November 2011
People left traces and things behind in the ground, and those are regularly found again. Every object has its story: about the city’s past and about how its people lived and built, and what they ate. These stories are worth preserving and their archaeology needs proper care.

Visitors can admire unearthed gems during an open day.

This is why 25 years ago The Hague set up its own Department of Archaeology. This subdivision of the Department of City Management (Dienst Stadsbeheer) evaluates building plans, carries out excavations and stores archaeological finds and information. It presents new discoveries to scientists and the general public through exhibitions, open days, publications, education material and audiovisual productions.
Download a map of archaeological sites in and around The Hague.
When to dig
Archaeologists excavate whenever construction or demolition activities threaten the archaeology in the ground. The archaeology department is involved from the planning stage onwards. Auguring is used to test potential sites, and when necessary the sites are excavated or earth removal activities on them are closely supervised.
On 1 September 2007 the new Historic Sites and Monuments Act (Monumentenwet) became operative. It stipulates that everyone who initiates construction work or other earth removal activities must facilitate prior archaeological evaluation of the site. All locations to which this is applicable are marked on the ‘Map of known and conjectured archaeological sites’. Architects, developers and private individuals can consult the website for information on current legal requirements and permits.
Restoration and conservation
Archaeological objects are made of a variety of materials: metal, glass, leather, bone or pottery. They are dirty and damaged when they come out of the ground and must therefore be carefully cleaned and sorted, together with thousands of pot shards.
Important pieces undergo conservation treatment. Incomplete objects may be reconstructed when they are to be exhibited or photographed. Finally the objects are stored in the municipal depot, where they can be studied, borrowed or taken out for exhibition.
Archaeology becomes invisible after an excavation. Nothing reminds us anymore of what once existed on that spot. Therefore, sites or particular finds often become sources of inspiration to make the excavated past somehow visible again. The Department of Archaeology tries to integrate archaeology as much as possible into new housing estates or development plans.
Some ‘memorials’ are already in place: replicas of the milestones, street names referring to archaeology, play areas inspired by Roman farms and the Bronze Age footprint at Wateringse Veld.
A 1616 town map is reflected in the floor of the tram tunnel beneath the Grote Markt where artefacts can be seen in deep ‘wells’. In Ypenburg the floor plan of a Stone Age house is made visible together with three bronze reconstructions of human heads, modelled on skulls from the cemetery on the site.
Contact details
Department of Archaeology
Visitor’s address
Prins Hendrikstraat 39
2518 HH The Hague

Postal address
Postbus 12651
2500 DP The Hague

Telephone: (070) 353 55 04
E-mail: archeologie@denhaag.nl

Storage shelves at the Department of Archaeology

18 July 2012 Search for tsunami debris moves north

NOAA scientists are combing Alaska beaches again in their search for marine debris from the 2011 tsunami that hit Japan.

View Search for tsunami debris moves north in a larger map


Search for tsunami debris moves north
by Rosemarie Alexander
July 18, 2012 6:00 am

NOAA scientists are combing Alaska beaches again in their search for marine debris from the 2011 tsunami that hit Japan.

Five scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are in the Yakutat area this week, where they will be walking several miles each day before going on to a new segment of beach.

After Yakutat, they’ll head to the Cordova area, Kayak Island, and Montague Island in Southcentral Alaska.

Jacek Maselko is the lead scientist. In an interview before the group left, he said NOAA has previous data from many of the beaches, so they will be able to see how things change over time.

“We’re going to specific spots that we surveyed in 2008, 1998 and then ’92 and prior years. So those are the exact specific beaches, shoreline segments, that we have surveyed in the past,” he said. “We have a pretty good long term distribution of the density and the composition of the debris that’s found on those specific beaches.”

In June the NOAA scientists visited 36 Southeast Alaska sites on the outer coast, from Dixon Entrance to Cape Spencer.

“There’s so much variability between each segment that you cannot use one to predict what’s going to be on the next one. So really what we found here in Southeast in our last survey, the densities, the quantities, we can’t really use that to say what we’re going to find up north. Even on adjacent segments they can have quite different densities,” he said.

Maselko plans to look for tsunami debris over as much of the Gulf of Alaska shoreline as possible this summer, and revisit many of the same areas next year.

So far most of what the scientists have catalogued is common stuff, but in the June survey they found a number of large black, yellow and orange oval buoys, which they believe to be part of the Japanese fish farming industry.


18 July 2012 Articles about debris in Alaska アラスカに流れ着いた瓦礫についての記事



020512Tons of Suspected Japan Tsunami Debris Wash Ashore in Alaska – ktuu.pdf

190612Feds’ help needed with tsunami debris, Gregoire says _ Local News _ The Seattle Times.pdf

070712State secures emergency funding to assess tsunami debris – Alaska Journal of Commerce – July Issue 1 2012 – Anchorage, AK.pdf


18 July 2012 瓦礫 Debris

The Marine Conservation Alliance Foundation (MCAF)はアラスカの海岸沿いのモニタリングを呼びかけていて、http://www.facebook.com/groups/140608506054408/にtsunami debrisがupされています。



で、いろいろ調べ出しているところなのですが、Captain Charles Mooreという人が1997年にこのパッチを発見して、それからAlgalita marine research foundationをたちあげて、今に至るまで研究を進めています。(Long Beach, California-based non-profit marine research and education organization)

今年、キャプテンは「2012Voyage」の旅にTsunami debrisを追うことが書かれていました。(http://www.algalita.org/blog/?p=2809


ロッテルダムに住むアーティストMaarten Vanden Eyndeはplastic reefのプロジェクトをやっています。


シミュレーション。提供はiprc(International pacific research center)です。
