The disaster

The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake
発生日 Date: 11 March 2011 14:46 JST (05:46 UTC)
継続時間 Duration: 6 minutes
マグニチュード Magnitude: 9.0 Mw
震源の深さ Depth: 24 km
地域 Regions: 三陸沖 Offshore Sanriku
被害 Total damage: 津波、建物倒壊、火災、地盤沈下、液状化現象、福島第一原子力発電所事故, 大規模停電
Tsunami wave, building and infrastructure damage, fires, subsidence, soil liquefaction, nuclear incidents including radiation releases, Massive power outage
最大津波 The highest tsunami: 21.1m (福島県富岡町、Tomioka, Fukushima)*
震度 JMA Seismic Intensity: 7 (宮城県栗原市 Maximum, Kurihara City of Miyagi Prefecture)
余震 Aftershocks: 588
magnitude 5 or greater,  As of 12:00 JST, 8 February 2012)
死傷者 Casualties: 死亡者 15,899 deaths
行方不明者 2,529 people missing
負傷者 6,157 injured
As of 10 June 2020)


*東京大学、福島県調べ reported by Tokyo University and Fukushima prefecture
Source : Japan Meteorological Agency, National Police Agency, The Asahi Shimbun