About this project

JP (English version below)

2011— (継続中)


集める、直すという行為を介して様々な人と関わりながら、震災を体験した人々の苦難と向き合い、それらの体験や傷跡をできるだけ手を加えず残したいと考えています。 かけらやヒビなど小さな傷跡をとおして震災の記憶をよみがえらせ、もしくは想像させることで、震災があったからこそ気付かされた無数の大事なことについて想いを巡らせる機会をつくることができたらと思います。


「直す」 行程で目指すところは、津波がきて壊れてしまう前のもとの状態にできるだけ近づけることです。割れた皿は接着剤でつなぎ直し、たりない部分は石膏で梅、曲がった金属はもとの形に叩いて戻し、アスファルトのかけらは洗って光沢をつけました。砂まみれのYシャツはクリーニング屋へ持って行き、ビニール袋にたたんで入れてもらうなどしました。


第一段階 (2011)
探訪地: 宮城県東松島市、亘理町、仙台市中心 2011年9月12-26日、10月23-25日
展覧会: 「新港村」内ARCUSブース、新港ピア、 2011年9月8日〜11月6日

第二段階 (2012-)
探訪地: 宮城県東松島市、亘理町、仙台市中心 2012年10月16-22日
展覧会: 「3・11とアーティスト: 進行形の記録」水戸芸術館 現代美術ギャラリー、2012年10月13日〜12月9日

レジデンシー: “Badgast” by Satellietgroep ハーグ(オランダ)、スケベニンゲン海岸 、2013年4月 16日 — 6月7 日
展覧会: “Zeelust – Kustweek Zuid-Holland” GEMAK、ハーグ(オランダ)、 2013年5月25日—6月2日
本: “Current washes ashore” (海流は打ち上がる) 2013年11月発行

GEMAK、ハーグ(オランダ)、 2013年11月8日—12月14日
Marres, マーストリヒト(オランダ)、2015年6月27日—9月6日

プロジェクトサイト: nishiko55.com/eq
ニシコウェブサイト: nishiko55.com
連絡先: nishiko55@gmail.com


Repairing earthquake project
2011— (Ongoing)

The Repairing Earthquake project is an art project dealing with the extensive natural disaster called the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, which took place in Japan in March 2011. I undertook the attempt of finding things at the disaster area that had been destroyed in the tsunami and repairing them in the temporary studios in Yokohama(2011) and Mito(2012). Taking this as a starting point, the project has been evolving slowly towards such subjects as: management of the objects after repair, the tsunami debris which has washed ashore on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, as well as the marine debris problem in general.

While interacting with all sorts of people through the action of collecting and repairing, I faced the mind-stopping wonder of nature, and the people who have had personal experience of this trial. I would like to preserve the findings as raw as possible but clean, without adding any creativity of my own. It is like making a frame around it. A shard or a crack makes us relive or imagine the memory of the disaster. It reminds us of the day we saw the news and the numerous sad consequences. On the other hand, a countless number of important things became clear because of the disaster. Through the project I would like to create opportunities to mull over any matters related to the disaster, so that it will remain unforgotten for a little longer.

For the First and Second phase, I publicly performed the work of repairing the collected items inside the studios which were in the exhibitions. The Third phase was research for the Fifth phase, on the subject of the Tsunami Marine Debris. I would like to find and repair the debris which has traveled to the other side of the Pacific Ocean after being washed away by the tsunami in 2011. I am planning to work on this subject in Victoria in Canada in 2016.

The Fourth phase is ongoing. I have been making a wooden case for each repaired object, so that it can be stored and transferred easily. Together with the agreement stating, “the object should be sent back to the owners in case somebody appears and requests it”, I am giving the objects to people who have been supporting the project.

About Repairing
As for the ‘repairing’, my aim was to return the object, as much as possible, to its original state; how it was before the Tsunami struck. A broken plate I super-glued back together and filled its missing part with plaster; twisted metal I hammered back into its original shape; a wedge of asphalt I washed and polished. A dress shirt covered in sand I took to the dry cleaner and had it folded inside a plastic cover.

About Photography
The photographs, showing the state of the objects at the end of the First and Second phase, were taken by Yuhki Yamamoto.

First phase (2011)
Examining aftermath, finding objects in the tsunami-struck area, attempting to repair objects.
Research trip:  12-26 September and 23-25 October 2011 around Higashi-Matsushima, Watari, Sendai in Miyagi Prefecture, Tohoku Region
Exhibition: at booth of ARCUS in “Shin-Minatomura”at Shinko Pear, Yokohama JP, 8 Sept-6 Nov 2011

Second phase (2012-)
Examining aftermath, finding objects, improving repair technique, comparing the states (tsunami-struck area and found objects) with the states the year before
Research trip: 16-22 October 2012 around Higashi-Matsushima, Watari, Sendai in Miyagi Prefecture, Tohoku Region
Exhibition: “Artists and the Disaster – Documentation in Progress –“ at Art Tower Mito Contemporary Art Gallery JP, 13 Oct-9 Dec 2012

Third phase— a.k.a “Current washes ashore” , (2013)
in collaboration with Sachi Miyachi
a search for ways to deal with the tsunami debris which were and are still now drifting ashore on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.
Residency: “Badgast” by Satellietgroep in Scheveningen, the Hague NL, 16 April — 7 June 2013
Exhibition: “Zeelust – Kustweek Zuid-Holland” at GEMAK, the Hague NL, 25 May —2 June 2013
Book: “Current washes ashore ” Published in November 2013

Fourth phase— a.k.a “How to store” (2013-)
Making boxes and finding foster parents for the repaired objects.
‘Momentum’ at GEMAK, the Hague NL, 8 November – 14 December 2013
‘Intimacy / Chambres d’Amis’ at Marres, Maastricht NL, 27 June – 6 September 2015

Project website: nishiko55.com/eq
Nishiko website: nishiko55.com
Contact: nishiko55@gmail.com