07 December 2012 撮影 shooting

Yuhki Yamamoto did the photo shooting just like how he did it last year. Including the objects from the last year; some are changed some are not, he took pictures of about 130 objects. Thanks for Yamamoto kun and Sasaki kun for assisting!

06 December 2012 タノさんのランプシェード the Lamp shade from Tanotaiga


This lamp shade which the artist Tanotaiga inherited during his volunteering work in the devastated area. It supposed to be a part of his presentation in Art Tower Mito but it broke on the way to the museum. So I repaired it.

Object #27

24 October 2012

06 December 2012

田中さん閉館間際にありがとうございました。Thank you to Tanaka san for repairing it when you still have to run through other works in the exhibition.

Object #30

24 October 2012

30 November 2012 池田さん写真を、関さん直しをありがとうございました。 Thanks to Ikedasan for taking the photo, Sekisan for repairing.

2 December 2012