13 October 2012 水戸芸術館 Art Tower Mito

3・11とアーティスト: 進行形の記録
2012年10月13日[土]~ 2012年12月9日[日]



震災後のアーティストのうごきを聴き取るなかで、彼・彼女らの意欲ある活動の裏には、葛藤や迷いがあったことが明らかになりました。また、時が発つごとに、現地の状況にあわせ活動の内容が変化していったものもあります。それらの多様性、複雑な経緯そして展開は、マスメディアには現れにくい震災後のさまざまな小さな状況を浮かび上がらせ、私たちの戸惑いや逡巡を鏡のように映し出します。あれから私たちは何を考えたか。地域社会における個人とは? 社会のなかの市民とは? そして、あのときの考えは今……。


荒井良二、遠藤一郎、開発好明、加藤翼、北澤潤、小森はるか+瀬尾なつみ、眞田岳彦、高山明(Port B)、タノタイガ、Chim↑Pom、椿昇、照屋勇賢、トーチカ、中島佑太×ビルド・フルーガス、ニシコ、畠山直哉、日比野克彦、藤井光、宮下マキ、村上タカシ(MMIX Lab)、ヤノベケンジ、山川冬樹、wah document


After the Disaster: Progressing Documentation (provisional title)
Art Tower Mito
October 13, 2012, to December 9, 2012

An exhibition configured to allow visitors to experience transitions in time
The Great East Japan Earthquake struck on March 11, 2011. While citizens organized various activities that offered aid and assistance to victims both inside and from outside the disaster zone, artists who make their livelihood through artistic expression also took action. This exhibition looks back on the actions and artworks produced by 23 artists that emerged as a result of the earthquake, tracing the ways in which their work unfolded between March 2011 and the present in chronological sequence.

Redefining the concept of “art”
The works of these artists include ingenious attempts at sludge removal, ongoing projects that contribute to the rebuilding of communities, documentary videos and photos that continuously record the situation in the disaster-stricken areas, and pieces dealing with problems and issues that emerged as a result of the catastrophe. Many of these encompass activities that were carried out by temporarily shelving one’s identity as an “artist”, as well as projects carried out without the expectation that they would later be exhibited as an artwork. The attitudes and actions of these artists represent a renewed questioning of the concept of art as established by modernity, and demonstrate the sort of role that art ought to play in society – perhaps more strongly and forcefully than ever before.

A focus on the “little situations”
Following the activities of these artists as a result of the earthquake, it soon became clear that a certain sense of conflict and hesitation lay beneath their ambitious projects. At the same time, there were several projects that adapted to local conditions, changing in content as time went by. The diversity of these approaches and the complex ways in which these experiences developed shed light on the various small-scale occurrences that emerged as a result of he disaster ¬– “little situations” rarely picked up by the mass media that seem to reflect our own sense of bewilderment and indecision. What has been on our minds since then? What role should the individual play in relation to the local community and society at large? What does it mean to be a citizen within society? And how have our thoughts and feelings about the disaster evolved since then?

An exhibition that generates memories and functions as a device for thinking
During the exhibition period, there will be a varied program of related events that will allow visitors to express their thoughts after having observed the unfinished and ongoing actions and projects of the various artists on display. There will be opportunities and spaces for people to have free and uninhibited conversations about these issues, and participatory hands-on workshops open to people of all ages will also be held. This exhibition is being held in the hope that these assorted events will serve as different entry points for each person to get involved, helping each of us to generate individual memories about the March 11, 2011 disaster, and prompting us to look back what happened and to reflect on what one should do in the future.

Ryoji Arai, Chim↑Pom, Ichiro Endo, Hikaru Fujii, Naoya Hatakeyama, Katsuhiko Hibino, Yoshiaki Kaihatsu, Tsubasa Kato, Jun Kitazawa, Haruka Komori + Natsumi Seo, Maki Miyashita, Takashi Murakami (MMIX Lab), NAKAJIMA Yuta×birdo flugas, Nishiko, Takehiko Sanada, Akira Takayama (Port B), Tanotaiga, Yuken Teruya, TOCHKA, Tsubaki Noboru, wah document, Fuyuki Yamakawa, Kenji Yanobe
Art Tower Mito Website

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