亘理町 歯科医師上原忍氏の震災記

*English translation is below.









The town of Watari. Dentist Uehara Shinobu’s experience of the disaster

My clinic is situated at a distance of about a kilometer from the Arahama sea at Watari. In this disaster, nearly all the surrounding houses were swept away, and my place, too, was entirely destroyed. The house is still standing; however my clinic was on the ground floor, and the floods, which reached almost to the next floor, shattered the windows and swept inside. The treatment area and instruments became unusable. The parking lot in the back became a mountain of rubble; among other things in that rubble there were broken-up floors of houses, two boats, three cars.


At the time of the earthquake, I was treating a patient, but then we received a warning of a ten meter-high tsunami. Shocked, I immediately let the patients and staff go home. I was worried what might have happened to the upper floors of my house, and began to finish up. When I became aware of the tsunami there was no more time to take refuge in the junior high school which was directly behind the building. I could hear screaming from the people parking their cars at the school for shelter, and when I turned to look there was a tsunami wave at least five meters high, passing over the school yard and at once coming at my clinic. I resigned myself to dying here.


By some stroke of luck, perhaps because the frames of the house were made of steel, and because it wasn’t struck directly by any large flotsam, we survived, like a miracle. But the scenery I could see from the window look exactly like something out of a disaster movie, and nothing felt real.


I may have had a narrow escape from death, but the water didn’t recede, and I spent the night there. The next day the boatsmen of a fishing boat which had settled on the parking lot sent out an emergency rubber boat. They brought me on board and to shelter, on the second floor of the school. The junior high school’s ground floor and first floor were covered in traces of the tsunami and in terrible condition; the electricity was out, there was almost no food or water. The next day (March 13th) a Self Defense Forces helicopter flew us out to Iwanuma city. Many refugees moved to a well-situated shelter, but my family, my dog and I walked twenty-five kilometers, and managed to arrive at our daughter’s house in Sendai.


Thankfully, my family and staff were all unhurt in this disaster. This gave me new energy, and a sense of wanting to do everything in my power for the people in the area who had suffered, rose naturally. All the utilities in the area have been destroyed and although I expect we will still face numerous difficulties and take much time for rebuilding, we will get through this.

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